Black Hawk Dog Adult Lamb and Rice 3kg

Black Hawk® Natural Dog Food
At Black Hawk®, everything we do is about naturally nourishing our pets from the inside out.

Our natural holistic recipes are specially formulated to optimise pet health and wellbeing.

We use real food to develop wholesome, balanced and nutritious dog foods for your beloved. We use only the highest quality Australian sourced meats, freshest vegetables, pulses and fruits. If you're wanting to try your dog on the best you can get - try our grain free options.

Highly palatable and digestible, this all Australian free range lamb and rice formula is an excellent source of protein. It is rich in zinc, iron and vitamin B12, providing the nutrients dogs need for health and wellbeing. Supplemented with the freshest vegetables and fruits for immunity and defence, lamb is a natural source of chondroitin and glucosamine.

Product Ingredients:
Lamb Meal, Chicken Meal, Fish Meal, Ground Rice, Oats, Chicken Fat (preserved with Mixed Tocopherols [source of Vitamin E], Citric Acid, Rosemary Extract), Field Peas, Beet Pulp, Kelp Meal, Canola Oil, Brewers Yeast, Egg Powder, Essential Vitamins & Minerals (see tables), Chicory, Salt, Di-calcium Phosphate, Natural Antioxidants, Fish Oil, Emu Oil, Yucca Schidigera Extract, Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulphate, Tomato Powder, Carrots, Dried Blueberries, Dandelion, Peppermint, Rosemary, Cranberries.

Nutritional Analysis:
25% Protein
17% Fat

Guaranteed Analysis:
Protein (min) 22%
Fat (min) 17%
Crude Fibre 4.5%
Ash (max) 10%
Phosphorous [P] (max) 1.4%
Calcium [Ca] (max) 2.5%
Moisture (max) 10%
ME kcal/Kg 3,770

NZ$ 56.00 including GST

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Maximum Pet Supplies

04 2601464

87 Rata Street, Naenae, Lower Hutt 5011 5011

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