Global Soap - Natural Soap Bar - Lemongrass Rosemary & Lime

This cleansing and energising blend stimulates and improves circulation of the skin! Spoonful’s of oatmeal are added to give it extra texture and a lovely scrub for the skin.
The zingy explosion of scent will lace the air with vigour and positive energy for the day ahead.

Pure essential oils of: Lemongrass, Rosemary, Lime

Made in Nelson, New Zealand

NZ$ 6.00
No in-store stock, but more can be shipped promptly
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Note: Checkout will occur on the merchants website, and will open in a new browser tab.

This little Kiwi

04 974 0772

This business has been trading for 6.0+ years on Website Worlds eCommerce platform!

Categories: Soaps (16)

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